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How to install antivirus in mobile phone

This is quite an interesting topic. Hi, how are you, I am writing this blog post at night here in Africa and I can’t wait to grant you the anti-virus answer you have been searching for .

Without an anti-virus on your phone, you become a victim of malware and when you are a victim, you easily lose the most important information. Let’s get straight to installation of anti-virus on our phones and today, I am focusing on kaspersky anti-virus

Step 1: Open the google play app on your phone. This is how the app looks

Step 2: On the search bar, type kaspersky anti-virus

Step 3: Select the first option. Your option should be kasperky anti-virus & VPN

Step 4: Click install and the installation of your anti-virus will begin

Once the intallation is done, the anti-virus will be available on your phone. Next we will learn how to use kaspersky anti-virus to scan our phones. For now, make sure you install an anti-virus on your phone for protection and moreover this particular package comes with a vpn so it’s like killing two birds with one stone.

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