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How to use kaspersky ant-virus for free

I have got you covered today and isn’t it great that we are at the second phase of using kaspersky anti-virus on our phones. Hello, today am going to give you the steps for using kaspersky anti-virus on our phones for ultimate protection. The anti-virus has often been reliable in detecting malware for a long period of time and has held a strong reputation in overcoming threats.

Step 1: Open kaspersky anti-virus app on your phone. Click next

Step 2: Accept terms and conditions. By the way it is always good to read terms and conditions before you accept because it may save you from accepting what you don’t want. So just tick the boxes besides user aggreement, privacy policy, as well the kaspersky security network statement and click confirm

Step 3: Click next on the page which requires access to your phone storage

Step 4: Allow kaspersky to access photos, media and files in your device

Step 5: Click scan and your device will be scanned.

That is all you need to do to scan your phone and the process should not just be once but always. The next time you want to carry out another scan, this will happen when you open the app. It will alert you if there is a critical issue.

Under quick actions, click scan device. Meanwhile there are other options as you can see in the screen. There is provision for automatic ati-virus, turn on vpnand a lot more.

Choose the type of scan you want to make. Let’s say you want to do. In this case I am choosing a quick scan

You will get the results of your scan. If you have issues, kaspersky will let you know the next steps for protecting your device. So if you are given a feedback that most of your apps are unprotected, you have the option of using app-lock to protect your apps from intruders, initiating safe browsing, all under features

If you have learnt something from this steps, kindly subscribe to our you-tube channel under this link for active videos.

We have a list of features you can use for installing safe apps in this website. Click on this link

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