Digital safety blog: Essential tips to Protect Your Online Life

Digital safety tips

  • Prevent adware attacks with these 5 useful tips

    Prevent adware attacks with these 5 useful tips

    Adware has a high potential of harming your computer as well as destroying every information you have stored in it. Every computer user must take precautions while visiting sites with adverts, downloading apps from both known and unknown sources as well as using email clients who allow third-party services to use their spaces. To prevent […]

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  • 10 reasons why your linkedin account was restricted

    10 reasons why your linkedin account was restricted

    Are you wondering why your LinkedIn account was restricted? LinkedIn is a good platform for networking; it brings opportunities that can enhance professional growth, boost business, and create global recognition. All the benefits I mentioned may not be achieved when access to your account is limited. One morning you wake up and find that an […]

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  • Can anyone hack google photos?: 5 answers

    Can anyone hack google photos?: 5 answers

    Google Photos is a feature of your Google account. The question ” Can anyone hack Google Photos? ” gets the answer from another question:” Can anyone hack a Google account?” Google Photos is a cloud-based video and photo service developed by Google that allows internet users to store, retrieve, and organize their photos online. You […]

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  • 6 secure browsing practices to adopt in 2025 for safer online experiences

    6 secure browsing practices to adopt in 2025 for safer online experiences

    Secure browsing practices are key to ensuring that internet users do not fall prey of cyber threats that will cause financial, integrity losses as well as a huge loss of information. The internet is relevant in ensuring that all online users get the information they desire to know but unfortunately the process of acquiring the […]

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  • 10 ways to know it is Vishing; a famous phishing scam nowadays

    10 ways to know it is Vishing; a famous phishing scam nowadays

    Vishing is the act of scammers using malicious calls to gather information or money from their victims. It is one of the most common types of phishing today. Scammers pretend to be calling from reputable companies like MTN, AIRTEL, and Google. Before vishing occurs, the scammers gather as much information as possible so the victim […]

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  • 6 Tips for preventing PayPal Scam

    6 Tips for preventing PayPal Scam

    Preventing PayPal scam is crucial in this error where there is too much malicious activity being done to fulfil financial gains. One of the most famous scams is the PayPal scam; this is a service commonly used in the world and has been there for quite a long time so scammers take advantage of its […]

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  • 6 effective tips for checking phishing links

    Tools for checking phishing links Phishing links have traditionally been used to steal people’s information or spread malware maliciously. This is a terrible habit that will not stop as long as the internet exists. And that is why checking phishing links is very important. There are several tools that can be used for identifying dangerous […]

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  • 7 sure ways on how to protect a website from spam

    7 sure ways on how to protect a website from spam

    Having a huge number of spam comments and registrations on your WordPress site can be extremely annoying. Let’s also remember the risks associated with spam and think of how to protect a website from spam because it is necessary for our safety. What can happen if you don’t protect a website from spam? Once a […]

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  • 3 free tips on how to recover a hacked facebook account with changed email and password?

    3 free tips on how to recover a hacked facebook account with changed email and password?

    The present-day hackers go as far as changing the email and password associated with a Facebook account to prevent the account owner from recovering. This article will give you tips on how to recover a hacked Facebook account with changed email and password. In the past two weeks, as a digital security blogger, I encountered […]

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  • 3 Good Phishing attack examples

    3 Good Phishing attack examples

    One of the most recent phishing attacks is the UNICEF Phishing campaign that has consumed money from innocent people who are deceived by fraudsters that they will benefit millions of money. Usually when a phishing campaign is launched by hackers or scammers whichever never you choose to use, a lot of techniques are used. Let’s […]

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  • How to safely open a suspicious link

    How to safely open a suspicious link

    Suspicious links could lead to the theft of information or even cause severe damage to your device. Imagine you have got a new email and everything is just not adding up. The domain of the email looks suspicious and even the language its self looks suspicious. How do you open such a link to make […]

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  • 7 dangerous types of phishing attacks

    7 dangerous types of phishing attacks

    There are various types of phishing attacks. However, in this article, we will determine the most common. type of phishing attack is always determined by the motive behind the phishing attack and who the phishing attack is being launched on. What does the attacker want to achieve? Who is he launching the phishing attack on? […]

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  • 7 great tips for WordPress backend protection

    7 great tips for WordPress backend protection

    When it comes to how to wordpress backend protection, every developer has their method. The success of the method depends on the problem the developer wants to avoid. It is crucial to keep our sites safe and the focus should not just be on the hosting panel but also the dashboard and the file system […]

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  • 3 crazy secrets about Google Photos and hacking

    3 crazy secrets about Google Photos and hacking

    Today we will be placing a focus on Google Photos and hacking. Did you know that if a hacker manages to access your Google account, they will be able to see your Google photos too and if they happen to be sensitive, then they will be able to misuse the information? If a Google account […]

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  • Diving into QR code phishing attacks

    Diving into QR code phishing attacks

    There is currently an increased number of QR code phishing attacks. There’s always a beauty behind scanning a QR code to access a service. Before you open any QR code, there’s a link behind it. Unfortunately, a few people will think that the link behind that win a lottery QR code is a deadly link […]

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    Fingerprint identification is the method of identifying people with patterns on their fingertips. Fingertips have been used for a very long time, since the world’s beginning. You understand that in the early days, fingerprints were used instead of signatures because most people didn’t know how to write. If there was a land agreement to be […]

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  • 3 common types of backups

    3 common types of backups

    What is a backup? When talking about types of backups, we must not forget to define what backup is. Backup is the copying of physical or virtual files of a database to a secondary location so that in case of any unfortunate situation, there is already a copy available. Backing up is necessary when dealing […]

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  • How to create an SSL certificate: 7 key great steps

    How to create an SSL certificate: 7 key great steps

    To guarantee users that their information is safe, you have to create an SSL certificate for your website. What is an SSL Certificate? Fortnet defines an SSL certificate as a file hosted within the web page’s origin server that holds the data browsers use when viewing and interacting with the page. Whenever a user […]

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  • Anonymity tools for people at risk

    Everybody can be at risk despite the level of risk. Thanks to technology anonymity tools have been developed to render protection by hiding IP addresses, not storing search histories Lawyers, journalists, media workers, and other human rights defenders, including persons at risk like asylum seekers, refugees, victims of human trafficking, and everybody else should learn […]

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  • 6 useful steps for installing The Tor browser on your computer

    6 useful steps for installing The Tor browser on your computer

    Tor browser is one of the most famous anonymity tools used by at-risk groups of people. Anonymity is key for people who may be at risk of being put under surveillance, facing hacking, and a possibility of what they search putting them into trouble. In this article, I will be taking you through the steps […]

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  • 4 crazy reasons for viewing search history

    4 crazy reasons for viewing search history

    When it comes to google accounts being safe, we shouldn’t limit the level of precaution we must take because there’s a possibility of someone viewing your search history on google. There are many reasons people give for viewing search history A google account is often the center of attraction for most hackers because the moment […]

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  • 6 great sure don’ts of password management

    6 great sure don’ts of password management

    Password mismanagement has often led to loss of vital information; at risk populations have faced surveillance due to password mismanagement, information has got leaked and fallen to wrong hands, thus many people endanger their online life to the point of putting their physical life in danger as well. Not only has password mismanagement led to […]

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  • 7 effective steps for creating public and private keys for encrypting and decrypting email messages; end to end encryption

    7 effective steps for creating public and private keys for encrypting and decrypting email messages; end to end encryption

    In the previous week, I made a video that takes you through the steps of encrypting and decrypting email and now i just want to note down the steps right here. You should be able to watch the video through the link below Asymmetric encryption, also called public key cryptography, uses public key private key […]

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    It is amazing how far we have come with encryption. I believe if you came across my past posts on encryption, you had a grasp on what symmetric and asymmetric encryption is about. These are adventurous topics that dive you into the world of technology, especially while communicating via email. Today we are going to […]

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  • Symmetric vs Asymmetric encryption: 2 Definitions

    Symmetric vs asymmetric encryption plays a great role in choosing the best type of encryption for data types. Every organization has one way of encrypting and decrypting data, and the choice sometimes depends on the flexibility of the encryption method. A bank may choose both asymmetric and symmetric encryption depending on the convenience of the […]

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  • Let’s unpack encryption

    Let’s unpack encryption

    Encryption has existed since 1900 BC, histories say that a normal man in Egypt used  a simple code of hieroglyphic substitution in the tomb of Khnumhotep. So how did the man do this? By simply altering code and that’s where I am coming to. What is encryption? It is simply the process of disguising/ converting […]

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  • Signs that your phone has been hacked

    Do you know that sometimes we end up using devices that have been hacked without knowing. This places us at risk and the information that we have; sometimes it could be financial information like emails containing our financial card details, identity information. Here are the signs to look out for if you think you have […]

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  • Money making as a cause for cyber harrassment:blogging

    The era that we are living is an era where money is made from the web. Many people have taken blogging as a source of income and it’s a good thing. It only becomes a problem when it starts having a negative impact on the lives of other people who are online. I made a […]

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  • 7 horrible forms of cyber harassment

    Cyber harassment is one most common types of harassment in the present day. It is hard to know whether we are facing or we are being the implementors of cyberharassment when we don’t even know the types. Back in the day, I didn’t know that I was harassing someone when I threw a comment on […]

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  • How to set up two factor authentication on your email using desktop

    Hello to every reader reading this, in the past week, I have been uploading videos on tiktok and You-Tube about setting up two factor authentications in our gmail accounts using smart phones. I will summarise that right below this text so you can watch the video of what I was saying before we dive into […]

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  • How to use kaspersky antivirus for free; 5 steps

    I have got you covered today and isn’t it great that we are at the second phase of using Kaspersky anti-virus on our phones? Hello, today am going to give you the steps for using Kaspersky anti-virus on our phones for ultimate protection. The anti-virus has often been reliable in detecting malware for a long […]

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  • How to install antivirus in mobile phone

    This is quite an interesting topic. Hi, how are you, I am writing this blog post at night here in Africa and I can’t wait to grant you the anti-virus answer you have been searching for . Without an anti-virus on your phone, you become a victim of malware and when you are a victim, […]

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  • 7 effective strategies for maintaining mobile phone security

    7 effective strategies for maintaining mobile phone security

    Hello, this ought to be my very first post in this blog and I am so excited to stay safe online with you. Today specifically I would love to talk about keeping your phone and its content safe. And below I will be giving you various tips that will keep you going. It is obviously […]

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