Hello, this ought to be my very first post in this blog and I am so excited to stay safe online with you. Today specifically I would love to talk about keeping your phone and its content safe. And below I will be giving you various tips that will keep you going. It is obviously hard to keep a mobile phone secure than it is with a laptop. So, take note of the tips below.
Install an anti-virus on your phone.
We all know that malware render our information useless because they deliberately destroy files. In order to keep our phones safe, we have to install anti-virus. Some of the anti-virus that are safe to install on a mobile phone are Kaspersky, Bitdefender, nortion mobile security, look out, avast. Precautions need to be taken while installing anti-viruses because some anti-viruses are actually viruses that can cause further damage.
How to install an antivirus on your phone
Gleek flare’s benefits of anti-virus
Take care when opening links.
Some links are phishing links though they seem enticing. Examples of phishing links are links that look like promotional links “Click here to win 100,000shs from the government” Beneath the links are malware that will destroy your computer. I was once a victim of phishing and I ended up having tempered information whenever I could use google chrome.
How to safely open a suspicious link
Download apps from secure platforms like google play.
Avoid downloading apps from unknown sources on web browsers. Incase you have not installed authentic app downloading platforms on your phone. You may ask for a link for the app from a friend who will share the link through google play. I have shared a video attached below on how to copy a link to be used on another device
Keep your password safe because even your friend can betray you.
Ever wondered how surveillance apps are installed on your phone. It is the people who most likely know you who are bound to do it.
Set up strong passwords.
The best passwords often are a paraphrase. A strong password also contains numerical characters and upper case and lowercase letters. If you are having difficulties in remembering your password, then you ought to use password managers like bitwarden. There are many ways of setting up a strong password; if you use the abbreviation URL, you will be able to keep in mind the characteristics of a strong password. U- Unique, R-Random L-Long
- Unique- Your password should be unique. It shouldn’t be the same like the other apps on your phone. You can not have the same password for gmail, facebook, and twitter
- Random- Your password should not contain information that the public knows; for example your date of birth, your child’s name
- Long. Your password should be long, the longer the password, the harder it is to get. Passphrases are good if you want a long password. An example of a passphrase if ” I want to eat Mangoes” . You mix the sentence with characters to make it stronger. Like this 1Want!03atM6n90es.
The dos and don’ts of password management
Update your phone
Phone updates normally come with security features that protect your device and the information in it. Installing phone updates improves on the security of your phone
That is all we can learn for now but keep your eyes glued here because next we will learn how to install anti-virus on our phones in order to avoid malware.
To enhance mobile phone security, clear the cache of your phone
Clearing the cache of your phone helps to erase junk that can occupy spcae in your phone. You can use an app like Ccleaner to help you clear the cache, block cookies and as well scan your phone
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