email encryption

Kaspersky (anti-virus)

One of the most efficient online safety tools is ooni probe. The tool detects blocked apps

OONI (observatory software)

The bsafe app is one of the online safety tools that protect unsafe groups of people. The app helps people who are close keep track of their loved ones

bsafe(physical safety)

Google authenticator helps you generate codes to facilitate authentication as a security measure

Google authenticator(Aunthentication app)

Circulo is an online safety tool that helps at risk groups like journalists protect themselves online

Circulo app(Physical safety)

Tor browser is an online security tool that promotes anonymity by not saving your search history. It prevents third party apps from screen recording

Tor browser(Anonymity)

Psiphon pro VPN disguises your location online

Psiphon pro (vpn)

Be careful with the windows apps you install. This link will lead you to microsoft's website so that you can download windows safely

Windows(Operating system

Mozilla is a browser you can trust to help you browse safely

Safe browser

Bitwarden helps you store your password. It is good for people who easily forget passwords


Use malivelope for encrypting data

Messaging encryption app

Some useful articles in relation to download of online safety tools